Sewage trucks on
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picture author: Standa Cerveny
Tatra from Neumetely again.
picture author: Standa Cerveny
Former aircraft-gasoline tanker.
picture author: Predseda
Amount of fecal toys is increasing

picture author: unknown (from archives of reader H. A.)
"Sewage waggon" from first half of the last century. Note the amazing
hermetic cover!
picture author: readers Josef Barta and Martin Drabek
Veli Iz island, Croatia, again.
picture author: reader Filip
Tatra 815-2 TERRNo1

picture author: reader Filip
Sewage cleaner Skoda 706 CAK-7
picture author: reader Filip
Beautifully preserved machine.
picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
Chase for Ifa L-60W gully-sucker.

picture author: Sysel
Latrine carrier Iveco of Toi-toi company
picture author: Sysel
Photos from Ceske Budejovice.

picture author: unknown (from archives of reader H. A.)
Sewage waggon stored in the court of UNV Praha 8 in 50´s.

picture author: reader Filip
Tatra 815 gully-sucker.
picture author: reader Filip
Superstructure is container-based.
picture author: reader Filip
Maintained by ropes.

picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
There is a gully-sucker Praga S5T in this picture. Pump is mounted in front
of engine. Unfortunatelly, this picture is pretty old, so the vehicle probably
doesn´t exist now.
picture author: Sysel
Tatra 815 at Wenceslas Square, Prague.
picture author: Sysel
What is dripping out from it?

picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
Little oxcart. Better oxcartie.
picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
Detail to spout.
picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
Photographed in Chomutov´s ZOO.

picture author: reader Filip (As noticed by reader Trolejbusman - cistern is made from the debris of factory´s chimney!
Folk creativity is admirable!
picture author: reader Filip
Fecal cisterns made at home.

picture author: reader Filip
This tank, originally fecal, is used for transporting of
liquid food for domestic animals. Mixing is realised by manual crank on the top.

picture author: reader Standa Cerveny
Impressive fecal set.
picture author: Sysel
Mercedes Atego of Toi-toi company.
picture author: Sysel
Photo from Budejovice again.

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